So much happening (or should I say HOPpening) in 2024!

There is so much going on! We have 8 new books out, this year, heaps of great festivals and a stack of school visits that we’re looking forward to doing. The best way to keep up with the very latest is probably on the socials, but if that’s not your thing there are also blog posts below to keep you in the loop!

Kate Burt Kate Burt

Hats announced as National Simultaneous Storytime book!

What's this! I Got This Hat has been chosen for the National Simultaneous Storytime Book for 2016! Brilliant! So on May 25th get out your fez, fedora and feather cap and let's where hats together! Much more on this later... In the meantime, here's a message from us!

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Kate Burt Kate Burt

Adelaide Writers' Festival

We've been invited to the Adelaide Writers Festival. Boo-YA! We're not really the type that likes to play it cool when it comes to these things so in case you didn't get it Double Boo-YA. We're excited. We're going to be reading our books in the Family Tent on Saturday and Sunday.  

More details to follow!




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Kate Burt Kate Burt

Mike wins Best Designed Picture Book in Australia

Jol, Jon, Kate & Chren (Harper Collins) at the Australian Book Design Awards 2015.

Jol, Jon, Kate & Chren (Harper Collins) at the Australian Book Design Awards 2015.

Mike I Don't Like is about a boy who doesn't like stuff. But even he couldn't pretend he didn't like being the winner of Best Designed Children's Book 2015 by the Australian Book Design Awards. New copies of Mike are being printed as we speak, like right at this... no... THIS second. Weird. 

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Kate Burt Kate Burt

Our new site.

I guess it wasn't really news to you because you must have known about it to find your way here to this post. But... if you did just fall down a steep ravine after being chased by a really scary squirrel only to wake up in a coma in hospital with someone holding this post over your head then it is news and in that case WOW.

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