Room On Our Rock – our new book

This is the cover of our brand new book ROOM ON OUR ROCK. It's a pretty special thing. It's a book about sharing that can be read front-to-back or back-to-front for a very different perspective on the same story. We’re hearing from schools, teacher/librarians and parents that little kids are enjoying this book as a story about empathy and thinking about others where as older readers are making connections to social issues. It's very exciting to see the book resonating with so many different age groups. 

We, along with the talented NZ artist Terri Rose-Baynton and publisher Scholastic, are donating $1 from the sale of each book towards Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation's Refugee Action Support. It's a program that helps refugee students get the literacy support they need to meet the challenges of the classroom. We're puffed-up-chestproud to be a part of it. 


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